
Now a day’s dairy industry has become very popular. The present study has been conducted to identify the characteristics of dairy industry’s wastewater as well as its treatment. It was concluded that the BOD values of untreated wastewater are in the range of 738 mg/L- 83l mg/L and treated wastewater is in the range of 80 mg/L- 126 mg/L. COD values were in the range of 739 mg/L-839 mg/L and 125mg/L-134 mg/L. The TSS value is in the range of 1038 mg/L-1049 mg/L and 193mg/L to 214 mg/L respectively. The Total Dissolved Solids in the waste water is in the range of 992 mg/L and 1056 mg/L for untreated and between 938 mg/L- 949 mg/L for treated water. Oil and grease values for untreated wastewater are in the range of 936 mg/L-944 mg/L while the treated water values are in the range of 83 mg/L-94 mg/L. The pH of wastewater is 8.3. The temperature of waste water varies. The fat is the most important constituent in the untreated wastewater contained about 1.5% fat in the given wastewater sample while the treated water contained about 0.5 % fat in the given sample. The values of BOD, COD and TSS in the treated wastewater were greater than the standard values, whereas the values of TDS were less than the standard values.

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