
In angiosperm seeds, the developing embryo acquires nutrients via a suspensor that typically undergoes programmed cell death (PCD) at the early cotyledon stage. However, in Leguminosae (the third largest angiosperm family), the suspensors can disappear at the heart-shaped stage (i.e., prior to the cotyledon stage) or still persist at the cotyledon stage. Here, in a comprehensive survey of legume suspensors and embryos, the variation and the evolutionary direction of timing of suspensor PCD in Leguminosae were characterized, and systematic implications were evaluated. Suspensor development and morphology for 66 leguminous species from 49 genera, 21 tribes, and 3 subfamilies were comparatively studied using standard paraffin sectioning and light microscopy. Three patterns of suspensor PCD were observed at the early cotyledon stage. (A) The suspensor persisted. (B) The suspensor separated from the wall of the embryo sac and persisted as a vestige at the radicle apex. (C) The suspensor disappeared completely, and the absorption of nutrients by embryo was carried out via a "contact zone" between the embryo and the endosperm. Pattern C of early suspensor PCD was found only in the tribe Fabeae. An ancestral character reconstruction revealed that the long-lived suspensors of pattern A represented a plesiomorphic condition in Leguminosae and that the suspensors of pattern C evolved only once in the common ancestor of Fabeae. In Leguminosae, short-lived suspensors have thus evolved multiple times from long-lived suspensors. It remains largely unknown, however, how the embryo acquires nutrients after the early suspensor PCD.

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