
Two different Ti-6Al-4V cylindrical rods, horizontally and vertically built, fabricated through the electron beam melting technique, were underwent compression loadings to failure at the strain rates of 2350s−1 and 1750s−1, respectively. Low-angle grain boundary formation, dislocation array, and dislocation pinning were observed and attributed to the stress-induced dislocation formation in the as-built microstructure. Superior strength at each strain rate in vertically built samples was concluded to be a consequence of its finer microstructure and the presence of martensite α˙. Hardness measurements revealed higher values at the areas close to the fracture surface. Electron microscopic characterization revealed parallel-twin formation resulting from adiabatic temperature rise, increasing short-ranged clustering, and the high stacking fault energy. Dynamic compressive deformation led to the appearance of dislocation structure, cell blocks, and extended dislocation walls formation. Texture analysis showed <c+a> type pyramidal slip systems and contraction twins as the most favorable slip systems. Texture evolution interpretations from the region far from the area close to the fractured surface indicated that mean grain size decreased, and higher dislocation densities were obtained. The more preferred texture tended to rotate by approaching the fracture surface so that the basal plane became parallel to the fracture surface, which is directly related to the facilitation of crack propagation. Moreover, the generalized spherical harmonics were used to apply 2-point statistics on the texture and then statistically compare the texture changes. The results were in good agreement statistically, where principal components (PC) were utilized to explain variances in the database.

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