
It has been shown previously that Enterobacter clocacae DF13 harbours at least five different size classes of plasmids. A 45 x 10(6)-Mr self-transmissible R factor determining resistance against tetracyclin, sulfanilamide, streptomycin and chloramphenicol, a 6.0 x 10(6)-Mr bacteriocinogenic factor without sex factors activity and cryptic plasmids in the size classes of Mr 1.3 x10(6), 2.8 x 10(6) and 8.0 x 10(6) respectively. The present work deals with the determination of the homogeneity and molecular relationship of 1.3 x 10(6)-Mr (mini) and 2.8 x 10(6)-Mr (midi) cryptic plasmids and the 6.0 x 10(6)-Mr (maxi) bacteriocinogenic factor, their kinetics of replication and their replication control in response to inhibition of protein synthesis.

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