
Animal growth and development is a complicated process and is regulated by multi-genes. Myostatin (Mstn) and myogenin (Myog) are a pair of negative and positive regulators respectively, which play an important role in the generation of muscle cells. In order to study the function of these two genes in muscle growth of Trachinotus blochii, full lengths of two mstn genes (mstn-1 and mstn-2) and myog gene were cloned using RACE. We first identified and characterized the complete cDNA sequences of mstn-1, mstn-2, and myog genes derived from T. blochii, an economically important mariculture species in China. Multiple sequence alignment of amino acids and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Mstn and Myog were highly conserved to the other Perciformes. In addition, gene duplication of mstn in T. blochii was observed. mstn-1 mRNA was mainly expressed in the muscle and gonad, while mstn-2 and myog transcripts were detectable mainly in the brain and muscle, respectively. Moreover, the nutritional status and temperature influenced abundance levels in brain and muscle. Results suggested that mstn and myog genes play an important role in muscle growth of T. blochii, mstn may not be limited to control of muscle growth in fish and could also be involved in other biological functions.

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