
The present investigation was carried out in Barela village of Seoni district, Madhya Pradesh to characterize, classify and evaluate the land resources using IRS-LISS-IV and GIS. Five major landforms viz. plateau; escarpments, mound, pediment and alluvial plain were identified and delineated. Based on image characteristics, seven land uses/ land cover classes’ viz., single crop, double crop, degraded forest, wasteland, river, waterbody and habitation were identified. Five slope classes viz., very gently sloping (1-3%), gently sloping (3-5%), moderately sloping (5-10%), strongly sloping (10-15%) and steeply sloping ( 15-25%) lands have been identified using Cartosat-1 DEM (30 m resolution) and topographic information. Five soil series (Barela-1, Barela-2, Barela-3, Barela-4 and Barela-5) were tentatively identified and mapped based on landform-soil relationship. Soils, in general, are shallow moderately deep, moderately well to well drained with moderate to severe erosion and clayey in texture. The soils are neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction and non-saline and qualify for Lithic Ustorthents/ Typic Haplustepts/ Typic Haplusterts at subgroup level. The soils were grouped under land capability sub-classes IIs, IIIes, IVst and VIst and land irrigability sub-classes 2s, 3st and 4st. The soils of Barela-4 (subgroup) are moderately suitable for growing gram, soybean, maize and pigeonpea. The soils of Barela-5 (subgroup) are highly suitable for growing pigeonpea and moderately suitable for growing gram, soybean and maize. Soils of Barela-1, Barela-2 and Barela-3 are not suitable for growing gram, soybean, maize and pigeonpea. Various soil and water conservation measures and alternate land use options have been suggested based on land resources information generated for management of land resources in the village.

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