
Twelve pedons occurring on different landforms of North-Eastern Haryana were characterized for morphological, physical and chemical characteristics and classified. The soil colour of pedons varied from yellowish brown to reddish/ dark brown in the hues of 10YR, 5YR and 2.5YR. The soils of Shiwalik hills, upper piedmont plains and flood plains, lower piedmont plains and old alluvial plains were medium to moderately heavy in texture, relatively lighter and light to moderately heavy in texture, respectively. The soils have weak to medium subangular blocky structure. The sub surface horizons in old alluvial plains showed the translocation and accumulation of clay. The soils of the area were moderately alkaline to strongly alkaline (pH 7.5-9.4). The organic carbon was less than 1 per cent except surface horizons of forest areas. The water retention characteristics of soils were strongly associated to texture with the finer soil showing higher retention and vice-versa. The particle density, bulk density and total porosity varied from 2.20 to 2.84, 1.16 to 1.45 Mg m−3 and 40.43 to 56.78 per cent, respectively and did not show regular pattern down the profile. The cation exchange capacity varied from 5.21 to 17.00 cmol (p+) kg−1.

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