
Soils of Obukiyo, Oju Local Government Area of Benue State were studied using the grid method of soil survey with a view to characterize, classify and evaluate their potentials for sustainable crop production. Four soil units were identified on the field based on soil colour, texture, surface characteristics, topography and depth to water table. Two pits were sunk in each soil unit, described and sampled for laboratory analysis. The soils were moderately deep to very deep ranging in depth from 160cm – 190cm. They were well drained to poorly drained and strongly acid to moderately alkaline in reaction (pH 4.1 – 7.8) with high base saturation. Based on these characteristics, the soils were classified as Arenic Paleustalfs/Aeric Lixisols (unit 1), Aeric Endoaqualfs/EndogleyicGleysols (Unit II), Ustic Epiaquerts/EpiclayicVertisols (Units III and IV)

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