
ABSTRACT In the past years the usage of mixed oxides coatings lead to an important improvement of laser damage threshold and quality of optical elements. In this study influence of post treatment procedure - ex-situ annealing - is examined in terms of quality, optical constants and laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) of mixed HfO 2 and SiO 2 coatings. Monolayer thin films containing different fractions of HfO 2 are deposited with ion beam sputtering technology (IBS.) All samples are post annealed at different temperatur es and optimal regimes are defined. Re fractive index and absorption coefficient dispersion is evaluated from transmission spectra measurements. Surface roughness of all samples is characterized before and after deposition and annealing, using atomic for ce microscopy (AFM). Microstr uctural changes are identified from changes in surface topography. Furt her, optical resistance was characterized by 5.7 ns duratio n pulses for 355 nm wavelength laser radiation, performing 1-on-1 sample exposure tests with high resolution micro-focusing approach for monolayer samples and S-on-1 tests for multilayer reflectors. Morphology of damaged sites was analyzed through optical microscopy. Finally, conclusions about annealing effect for mixed HfO

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