
Aim. Assess the health risk of a cold environment by bioclimatic indices characterizing weather and climatic conditions in the Arctic zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.Materials and methods. The mean monthly daily ambient temperature, wind speed and relative air humidity were determined. The body cooling conditions integral index (BCCII) and the wind-cold index (WCI) were calculated.Results and their discussion. Using the BCCII from 4 to 6 months a year at Cape Chelyuskin, the critical risk of frostbite in exposed areas of the body determined at Dixon Island from 4 to 5 months a year; in July and August, the indicator values reached the lower border of the “moderate risk”. Using the WCI, an uncomfortable cold environment was determined, respectively, 2 months and 4 months, a very cold — 3 months and 2 months, and an extremely cold — 3 months and 2 months.Conclusion. The advantage of using BCCII rather than WCI is shown, since on its basis the criteria for safe working conditions in an open area are determined. To interpret the value of “no risk” while using WCI, it is necessary to know the period of the year, in which the weather and climatic conditions are assessed as a cold environment.


  • To interpret the value of “no risk” while using wind-cold index (WCI), it is necessary to know the period of the year, in which the weather and climatic conditions are assessed as a cold environment

  • Sh. Assessment of the comfort of the weather and climatic conditions of the Republic of Bashkortostan by the wind-cold index

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Морская медицина

Оценить риск здоровью холодной среды по биоклиматическим индексам, характеризующим погодно-климатические условия в арктическом поясе Красноярского края. Рассчитывали интегральный показатель условий охлаждения организма (ИПУОО) и ветро-холодовой индекс (ВХИ). Показано преимущество использования ИПУОО перед ВХИ, поскольку на его основе определены критерии безопасных условий труда на открытой территории. Для интерпретации значения «риск отсутствует» по ВХИ необходимо знать период года, когда погодно-климатические условия оцениваются как холодная среда. The body cooling conditions integral index (BCCII) and the wind-cold index (WCI) were calculated. To interpret the value of “no risk” while using WCI, it is necessary to know the period of the year, in which the weather and climatic conditions are assessed as a cold environment

Marine medicine
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