
The article presents the characteristics of the stomatal apparatus in the leaves of 13 forms of 10 species of the genus Citrus: C. aurantifolia ('Tahiti', 'Foro'), C. limon 'Del brasil', C. ? meyeri, C. ? limonelloides, C. ? bergamia, C. ? limetta 'Chontipico', C. ? aurantiummyrtifolia 'Cinotto', C. ? ichangensis, C. maxima 'Sambokan', C. medica (var.sarcodactylis, citrate). As a result of the analysis of the stomatal apparatus, differences in the size of the stomata and their density per 1 mm2 were revealed. The greatest number of stomata per 1 mm2 was observed in C. medica, C. medica var. sarcodactylis, C. ? meyeri, C. aurantifoliavaried within 710,0–882,5 pcs/mm2, the smallest amount was in C. ? aurantiummyrtifolia 'Cinotto', C. aurantifolia 'Tahiti', C. limon 'Del Brasil', C. ? bergamia within the range of 277,5–490,0 pcs/mm2.The studied forms were divided into two groups: forms with a small number of stomata, with a relatively large leaf area – C. limon 'Del Brasil', C. ? bergamia, C. ? ichangensis, C. maxima ’Sambokan'; forms with a high number of stomata with a relatively small leaf area – C. aurantifolia (sour, 'Tahiti', 'Foro'), C. ? meyeri, C. ? limonelloides, C. ? limetta 'Chontipico', C. ? aurantiummyrtifolia 'Cinotto', C. medica. The largest stomata sizes were observed for C. aurantifolia 'Tahiti', C. limon 'Del Brasi', C. x aurantiummyrtifolia 'Cinotto'; length varied 24.8–27.9 ?m, width – 21,3–23,3 ?m, the smallest stomata sizes in C. aurantifolia, C. ? bergamia and C. medica are 21.4–23.4 µm in length and18,2–19,3 µm in width. C. aurantifolia C. ? `meyeri` and C. medica var. sarcodactylis which have a high density and small stomata.

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