
Features of the landscape and geographical conditions of the Samara region, the rich world of flora and fauna create favorable conditions for the existence of natural foci of infectious and parasitic diseases. The high population density, the presence of megacities (Samara, Togliatti), the passion of the inhabitants of the region for country recreation, together with developed agriculture, determine a high risk of infection of people with pathogens of natural focal infections.Objectives: to analyze the manifestations of the epidemic and epizootic processes of natural focal infections in the Samara region for its zoning according to the degree of danger of infection of the population with actual zoonoses.Methods. We used information on the incidence of the population (form No. 2 "Information on infectious and parasitic diseases") for the period from 2019 to 2021, data from an immunological examination of residents of municipalities using enzyme immunoassay, results of examination of environmental objects in natural foci (indication of genomes and antigens of viruses and bacteria) in vertebrates and their pellets (litter), arthropods using polymerase chain reaction and enzyme immunoassay. Cluster analysis was performed using the Statgraphics plus for Windows application program for a personal computer.Results. Territories with high, moderate and low risk of infection of the population of the Samara region with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, viral tick-borne encephalitis, tularemia, leptospirosis, Q fever and West Nile fever were identified. It is shown that the most relevant zoonosis is hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.Discussion. Compiled cartographic mapping of the administrative formations of the Samara region with different risks of infection and disease of people with natural focal infections is relevant for planning preventive measures.

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