
Sago is an alternative food source crop, especially in Southeast Sulawesi. From year to year, the area of sago crops tends to decrease due to conversion and limited cultivation levels. Therefore, to preserve sago, it is necessary to identify and characterize sago growing in Kendari Peninsula. This study aims to identify and describe morphologically the types of sago found in sago-producing centers in the Kendari peninsula, Southeast Sulawesi. Observations were made on the different types of sago growing at two locations of sago planting centers. Parameter measurements were carried out on stem height, bark thickness, leaf width, leaf length, stem diameter, harvest age, and production per stem. The results showed that there were four types of sago found, namely roe (Metroxylon sagu R.), runggamanu (Metroxylon rumphii M.), and barowila (Metroxylon longispinum M.) and sago rui (Metroxylon microcantum). There are differences in sago vegetative and generative growth due to differences in growing environmental conditions and local climate. In general, the dominant types of sago in both locations were sago roe (Metroxylon sagus R.) and sago runggamanu (Metroxylon rumphii M.).

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