
Russia today occupies one of the last places in the world in the production of rabbit meat (about 10–15 thousand tons per year). In order to increase the production of rabbit meat in Russia imported meat breeds and crosses are being bred, existing domestic breeds are being improved. The housing of imported breeds and crosses requires the construction of expensive rabbit houses with climate control. The most popular domestic breeds in different regions of Russia are White giant – 12,87 % and Soviet chinchilla – 9,35 %, which are acclimatized to the harsh climatic conditions of our country and do not require large costs for housing. The purpose of the research was to characterize rabbits of domestic breeds and analyze ways to increase their productivity in the region of the Middle Urals. It has been proved on the base of comprehensive studies that rabbits of Soviet chinchilla and White giant breeds have changed the parameters of the conformation, live weight, and the intensity of growth of young animals in the direction of meat productivity. The influence of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microfl ora of young rabbits on the dynamics of live weight has been proved. The positive effect of the use of line breeding on the growth rate of young animals under the conditions of the Middle Urals has been established. The analysis of economic data showed that the profit from the sale of meat of rabbits of Soviet chinchilla breed grown up to 3 months of age and was 4,09 % higher compared to herdmates of White giant breed. At the same time, when slaughtered at the age of 110 days, the indicators were higher in White giant rabbits, which should be taken into account when conducting breeding work with these breeds.

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