
The post-infrared (post-IR) pulsed blue light stimulated luminescence (PBLSL) signal has been employed to determine the equivalent dose (D<sub>e</sub>) of feldspar contaminated quartz grains, but it sometimes suffers from the interference of feldspars. Since the green light stimulated luminescence (GLSL) signal of feldspars might be more reduced by a prior IR stimulation, we compared the characteristics of post-IR PBLSL and post-IR pulsed GLSL (post-IR PGLSL) signals of quartz and feldspars in this study to evaluate the feasibility of employing the green light for pulsed stimulation. We investigated the effect of the signal integration period, pulsed stimulation temperature, and prior IR stimulation temperature on the intensities of post-IR PBLSL and post-IR PGLSL of quartz and feldspars, and evaluated the potential feldspar interference on these two signals for the hypothetical and artificial quartz-feldspar mixture. The results demonstrate a lower feldspars contribution for the post-IR PGLSL signal. The feldspar interference only slightly increases with the increase of integration period for the post-IR PGLSL signal measured at low stimulation temperature, which permits a long integration period to be employed to enhance the signal to noise ratio. This study shows that the green light is a promising alternative for pulsed stimulation to suppress the feldspar contribution.

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