
High spatial- and temporal-resolution images of coronal hole regions show a dynamical environment where mass flows and jets are frequently observed. These jets are believed to be important for the coronal heating and the acceleration of the fast solar wind. We studied the dynamics of two jets seen in a polar coronal hole with a combination of imaging from EIS and XRT onboard Hinode. We observed drift motions related to the evolution and formation of these small-scale jets, which we tried to model as well. We found observational evidence that supports the idea that polar jets are very likely produced by multiple small-scale reconnections occurring at different times in different locations. These eject plasma blobs that flow up and down with a motion very similar to a simple ballistic motion. The associated drift speed of the first jet is estimated to be $\approx$ 27 km s$^{-1}$. The average outward speed of the first jet is $\approx 171$ km s$^{-1}$, well below the escape speed, hence if simple ballistic motion is considered, the plasma will not escape the Sun. The second jet was observed in the south polar coronal hole with three XRT filters, namely, C$_{-}$poly, Al$_{-}$poly, and Al$_{-}$mesh filters. We observed that the second jet drifted at all altitudes along the jet with the same drift speed of $\simeq$ 7 km s$^{-1}$. The enhancement in the light curves of low-temperature EIS lines in the later phase of the jet lifetime and the shape of the jet's stack plots suggests that the jet material is falls back, and most likely cools down. To support this conclusion, the observed drifts were interpreted within a scenario where reconnection progressively shifts along a magnetic structure, leading to the sequential appearance of jets of about the same size and physical characteristics. On this basis, we also propose a simple qualitative model that mimics the observations.

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