
Jenkins, A.R. 2000. Choracteristics of Peregrine and Lanner Falcon nesting habitots in South Africa. Ostrich 71 (3&4): 416-424.Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, and Lanner Falcon, F. biarmicus, nesting habitats in South Africa are described in terms of nest ledge, nest cliff and scree slope parameters, ond the environmental context of each site. Data were collected in a tropical study area where Peregrines and Lannen occurred in sympatry, from an allopatric south temperate Peregrine population, and opportunistically for bath species from other sites throughout the country. Elevation, ledge size, cliff size ond vegetation structure accounted for about 80%of the variation in falcon nesting habitots between species and between populations within species. Peregrines used larger nest ledges on higher, more elevated cliffs than Lanners, overlooking mare open, structurally complex Vegetation. Temperate Peregrines used smaller ledges on lower cliffs, overlooking vegetation that provided less refuge for overflying prey than subtropical pairs. Temperote Peregrines selected nest sites to minimize the negative effects of spring roinfall. Tropical Peregrines may have selected sites to maximize hunting and provisioning efficiency.

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