
Myoblast l ine L~ was isolated by Yaff6 in 1968 [1] f rom neonatal rat skeletal muscle. This l ine has kept, over many years of cont inuous cultivat ion and subcloning, its abi l i ty to differentiate spontaneous ly into myatubes, whenever growth condi t ions are appropr ia te [2 to 6]. It has proved to be special ly suitable for the s tudy of the termina l different iat ion of this cell type using ei ther b iochemical [2, 3, 5, 6] or genetic techniques [7, 8]. We repor t here the isolation and character i zation of ouabain resis tant [9] HGPRTclones of L6, wh ich should r ende r the regulat ion of differen t ia t ion amenable to analysis by both in ter and intraspecif ic somatic hybr id iza t ion .

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