
Aim. To present a comprehensive assessment of rheumatic diseases in association with osteoporosis.Material and methods. A retrospective analysis was made of 180 case histories with various RDs, who were under inpatient observation at the Sughd Regional Clinical Hospital for the period 2018-2019 for the frequency of osteoporosis (OP). Densitometry was used to determine the projection mineral density (in g / cm2) in various parts of the skeleton.Results. When asked about a history of fractures, every third respondent (33.3%) answered positively. According to the results of densitometry, osteoporosis in patients with inflammatory RD was diagnosed in 32.2% of patients. At the same time, the indicators differed significantly by nosology, and the frequency of OP correlated with the intake of corticosteroids. Osteoporosis was detected in every third patient with OA according to densitometry data and in 25% of cases in patients with gout. The results of the analysis to assess the absolute risk of major osteoporotic fractures according to FRAX showed high risk in 2 groups.Conclusion. Thus, the nature and frequency of risk factors for osteoporosis in patients with RA and OA have their characteristics. A history of fractures in patients with RA is often associated with long-term use of GCS, and the presence of menopause in women and the presence of cardiometabolic concomitant diseases play an important role in the progression of AP in patients with OA.


  • Нигаҳдории тандурустии Тоҷикистон, No3 (350), 2021 тилоот маълумоти расмии Маркази омор ва иттилооти тиббӣ Вазорати тандурустӣ ва иттилоотии иҷтимоӣ буданд ҶТ ва дигарон

  • According to the results of densitometry, osteoporosis in patients with inflammatory RD was diagnosed in 32.2% of patients

  • Osteoporosis was detected in every third patient with OA according to densitometry data and in 25% of cases in patients with gout

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ГОУ «Институт последипломного образования в сфере здравоохранения Республики Таджикистан», кафедра терапии и кардиоревматологии. По результатам денситометрии остеопороз у больных с воспалительными ревматическими заболеваниями был диагностирован в 32,2% случаев. У каждого третьего больного с остеоартритом по данным денситометрии был выявлен остеопороз и в 25% случаев у больных с подагрой. Характер и частота факторов риска остеопороза у больных ревматоидным артритом и остеоартритом имеют свои особенности. Переломы в анамнезе у больных с ревматоидным артритом зачастую связаны с длительным приемом глюкокортикостероидов, а наличие менопаузы у женщин и кардиометаболических сопутствующих заболеваний играют немаловажную роль в прогрессировании остеопороза у больных с остеоартритом. CHARACTERISTICS OF OSTEOPOROSIS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATIC DISEASES SEI «Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of the Republic of Tajikistan», Department of therapy and cardio- rheumatology. Shukurova Surayo Maksudovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the had department of therapy and cardio- rheumatology «Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of the Republic of Tajikistan». Densitometry was used to determine the projection mineral density (in g / cm2) in various parts of the skeleton

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