
The aim of the project was to identify the neighbourhood characteristics of areas in England where out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) incidence was high and bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (BCPR) was low using registry data. Analysis was based on 67219 cardiac arrest events between 1 April 2013 and 31 December 2015. Arrest locations were geocoded to give latitude/longitude. Postcode district was chosen as the proxy for neighbourhood. High-risk neighbourhoods, where OHCA incidence based on residential population was >127.6/100000, or based on workday population was >130/100000, and BCPR in bystander witnessed arrest was <60% were observed to have: a greater mean residential population density, a lower workday population density, a lower rural-urban index, a higher proportion of people in routine occupations and lower proportion in managerial occupations, a greater proportion of population from ethnic minorities, a greater proportion of people not born in UK, and greater level of deprivation. High-risk areas were observed in the North-East, Yorkshire, South-East, and Birmingham. The study identified neighbourhood characteristics of high-risk areas that experience a high incidence of OHCA and low bystander resuscitation rate that could be targeted for programmes of training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator use.

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