
It was established that the territory of the farm belongs to the following forest categories: forests of nature protection, scientific, historical and cultural purposes – 1322.4 ha; recreational and health forests – 718 ha; protective forests – 3837.9 ha; exploitation forests – 17,407.7 ha. As a result of conducted field research within the forest fund of the enterprise, it was established that plantations over 100 years old are characterized by the predominance of common oak with the participation of common ash in the composition. It has been established that within the boundaries of the forest and hunting economy, among the areas where it is planned to carry out felling for the main use, plantations that are classified as exploitation forests predominate. The total area of such plantations is 152.3 hectares, and the number of plots is 47. It was determined that the number of areas of oak forests over 100 years old that will be felled in the next audit period during felling of the main use in protective and recreational forests is 6 and 5, respectively. According to the above results, out of the total number of main-use felling plots – 58 forest stands of fresh hornbeam forest – 55. Only 3 plots are located in wet hornbeam forest. Accordingly, the largest areas of main felling areas – 179.9 hectares – are concentrated in fresh hornbeam forest. It was investigated that the territory of the farm belongs to high credit standings (credit rating 1-1a-2). The largest number and area of plots is characterized by the 1st rating (42 plots with an area of 114.0 ha). There are almost 2-3 times less plots of 2 rating (15 plots, with an area of 68.3 hectares). In the process of conducting research, we discovered a significant number of stands with possible natural regeneration. The total share of such stands in relation to the total number is 3.75 %, and from the total area – 4.88 %. Accordingly, the maximum area of a separate plot is 10.5 hectares, and the minimum is 2.5 hectares. According to the conducted research, out of 80 plots, 37 lack any natural regeneration in sufficient quantity.It was determined that the average age of natural renewal is 11 years. The height is 3.6 m, the density of natural regeneration is 7.7 thousand pieces/ha, the average age is 23.6 years.

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