
The Cambrian weathered crust formed in the Early Paleozoic central paleouplift of the Ordos Basin and its periphery has always been a key target for oil and gas exploration, and important breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration have been made there. In order to further accelerate the process of natural gas exploration in this area, this paper based on systematic analysis of source-reservoir assemblage and trap type in the Cambrian weathered crust in southwestern Ordos Basin, and then evaluates its natural gas exploration potentials and favorable exploration zones. The following research results are obtained. First, the Upper Paleozoic coal-measure source rocks in the basin is the main gas source rocks, forming a source-reservoir assemblage of “upper source and lower reservoir” with Cambrian reservoir. Second, the types of the reservoir in the Cambrian weathered crust are mainly dolomite intercrystalline (dissolution) pores and karst fractures and vugs, whose development is controlled by grain shoal microfacies and karstification in the weathered crust stage, respectively. Third, the traps in the Cambrian weathered crust are mainly lithologic-stratigraphic traps, which were formed in the tectonic uplifting setting of the eastern Ordos Basin during the Yanshanian. There are geological conditions of lithologic and stratigraphic barriers in the updip direction, which is beneficial to the short-distance natural gas migration and accumulation. In conclusion, Huanxian-Zhengning area on the east margin of the central paleouplift in southwestern Ordos Basin is a favorable exploration zone of Cambrian weathered crust gas reservoirs, and the Middle Cambrian Zhangxia Formation and Upper Cambrian Sanshanzi Formation are favorable intervals of oil and gas exploration.

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