
The article, based on the analysis of scientific sources and empirical material, characterizes modern methods of verbal-communicative interaction in social-psychological activity. Definitions of key concepts of the context "methods of verbal-communicative interaction in social-psychological activity" (method, verbal, communicative, interaction, etc.) were analyzed. Methods of verbal-communicative interaction in socio-psychological activity are considered as methods of verbal communication between subjects in the field of social work and psychological practice for the purpose of obtaining, exchanging, correcting, etc. information. It is noted that the indicated methods should be applied constructively, that is, with maximum benefit for both sides of communication in the field of social work and psychological practice. Attention is focused on the fact that there is no universal method of verbal-communicative interaction in social-psychological activity, since each time in a specific social-communicative situation (circumstances of communicative interaction) the choice of method will be determined by a number of factors caused by communicators (social workers, psychologists and recipients of social -psychological services) and for the purpose of professional communication. A scientific and practical interpretation of pedagogical methods of education in the socio-psychological space was carried out. Separated methods of verbal-communicative interaction, which constitute a verbal influence on the formation of the individual's consciousness in socio-psychological activity, are characterized in detail: message, explanation, instruction or instruction, story, monologue, conversation, dialogue, debate, discussion, lecture. The results of an experimental study of selected methods of verbal-communicative interaction were presented, which established the need for the undeniable training of social-psychological workers for the organization and application of these methods. Similar methods of interactive learning were selected. Each of the characterized methods of verbal-communicative interaction has its own specificity and is situationally appropriate, which must be determined by a social worker or psychologist depending on certain professional circumstances and individual characteristics of recipients of social-psychological services. A schematic representation of a group of methods of verbal-communicative interaction in social-psychological activity has been developed.

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