
Іntroduction. Today, a quarter of the population of economically developed countries has a body weight that is 15% larger than the norm. According to various authors, the timely onset of menarche in women with various forms of obesity and reproductive dysfunction is observed in 31% of cases only.
 Obesity results in insulin resistance, which in its turn results in hyperinsulinemia. The main reason of the connection of insulin resistance with reproductive function disorders consists in the specific influence of insulin on ovaries. Insulin suppresses apoptosis, binding to receptors of various growth factors that promotes long existence of atresizing follicles. In the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome, along with the development of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, a significant role belongs to the imbalance of adipocytokines, one of which is adiponectin.
 The aim is to analyze metabolic processes in the formation of menstrual dysfunction in adolescent girls with obesity to improve diagnostic methods of menstrual disorders.
 Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory examination of adolescent girls aged 12-18 years was held, among which 79 had obesity and complaints about menstrual dysfunction (the main group); 31 with normal body weight and regular menstrual cycle (the control group).
 Research methods: general clinical, biochemical (indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were determined), instrumental (ultrasound), statistical.
 Results. It was found that 53.3% of the girls from the main group had the beginning of the first menstruation after 14 years, delayed menstruation from 42 days to 6 days, duration 2.1 ± 0.05 days, which was significantly shorter, the volume of 10.2 ± 0.05; 0.4 points (average 1-2 pads per day) was significantly lower (p <0.05).
 Ultrasound showed uterine hypoplasia in almost every second girl in the main group - 36 (45.46%).
 Hyperleptinemia and leptin resistance was found in obesity of the first degree 34.8 ± 1.75, in obesity of the second degree 37.15 ± 2.12, in obesity of the third degree 40.64 ± 2.0. It was 14.35 ng / ml in the control group, p<0,01.
 Hyperleptinemia in the main group was accompanied by hyperinsulinemia in 26% of cases and insulin resistance. The relationship between low values of adiponectin and elevated body mass index in patients of the main group was established, which was confirmed by the results of correlation analysis (adiponectin & body mass index: ρ = -0.74).
 Analysis of the results revealed a decrease of A/L level in the main group by 4.3 times. Based on our own results, the A/L and HOMA-AD models can be considered more accurate for determining insulin resistance.
 Conclusions. 1. Changes of the menstrual cycle in overweight girls were found.
 The association of adipokines secretion disorders is characterized by hyperleptinemia, leptin resistance, decreased Adiponectin / Leptin index and hypoadiponectinemia, which, in combination with insulin resistance, indicates the participation of adipokines in the genesis of oligomenorrhea.
 The algorithm of adolescents’ treatment with menstrual dysfunction on the background of obesity must include the calculation of Adiponectin/Leptin and HOMA-AD, which will make it possible to avoid overdiagnosis of insulin resistance.


  • It was found that 53.3% of the girls

  • from the main group had the beginning of the first menstruation after 14 years

  • leptin resistance was found in obesity of the first degree 34.8 ± 1.75

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Показники адипокінів та інсулінорезистентності

Лептин (нг/мл) Л/ІМТ Адипонектин (А) Адипонектин/Лептин (А/Л) Індекс Каро (ммоль/л/мкЕд/мл) HOMA-IR HOMA-AD. Відзначається наявність клінічних ознак гіперандрогенії у 32,9% дівчат підлітків на фоні ожиріння, що в 5 разів частіше, ніж у дівчат без надмірної ваги та з нормальним менструальним циклом. 3. До алгоритму ведення підлітків з ПМФ на фоні ожиріння необхідно включити обчислення показників Адипонектин / Лептин і HOMA-AD, що дозволить уникнути гіпердіагностики інсулінорезистентності та поліпрагмазії, пов’язаної з необґрунтованим призначенням сенситайзерів до інсуліну, у тому числі метформіну, показання до якого у дітей і підлітків обмежені. За допомогою моделей А / Л і HOMA-AD відбір пацієнток є більш ретельним, що допоможе вдосконалити терапевтичну тактику підлітків з ПМФ на фоні ожиріння. 4. Вивчення впливу ожиріння на порушення менструальної функції та зв’язок між ними дозволить розробити правильні патогенетично обґрунтовані підходи до діагностики та лікування даної проблеми.

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