
Five wheat varieties with different resistance to scab were used to study the effect of Fusarium graminearum crude toxin on culture characteristics of mature wheat embryos in vitro. The results showed that the rate of induction and differentiation of mature embryo callus differed significantly between varieties, toxin concentration, and concentration x varieties. A low concentration (5 g/L) of F. graminearum crude toxin promoted callus formation in very resistant varieties, while high concentrations (10 and 15 g/L) hindered it, i.e., the higher the concentration, the stronger the inhibition. The rate of induction and differentiation of mature embryo callus decreased with increasing concentration of F. graminearum crude toxin, thus the lower the resistance, the lower the differentiation. At 10 g/L toxin, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of all five varieties was greater than that of the control group (0 g/L). At 20 g/L toxin, SOD activity of the five varieties declined; only two resistant varieties, Sumai 3 and Zheng 9023, still showed higher levels than the control, while the three susceptible varieties had lower levels than the control. Therefore, there was a relationship between SOD activity and scab resistance in wheat varieties.

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