
The article presents the results of development and testing of methods for identifying types of peasant (farm) households using the method of equal-frequency grouping and analysis of labor resources based on them. The subject of the study is a system of statistical indicators of peasant (farm) households, the object is a set of peasant (farm) households of three Russian regions with different natural and climatic conditions (the Republic of Buryatia, the Lipetsk region, and the Stavropol region). The source of information was the form of departmental reporting 1-KFH “Information on the production activities of the heads of peasant (farm) households-individual entrepreneurs”. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of a methodology for the typification of peasant (farm) households using the method of equal-frequency grouping, in the justification of a system of indicators for the analysis of the labor resources of peasant (farm) households by the selected types, as well as in the assessment of the impact on the income level of the availability of labour force and of agricultural equipment peasant (farm) households on the basis of the construction of production functions.

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