
This article is devoted to the problem of water-balance theory. The problem is that the existing theory of water balance has not been improved for more than 300 years. Water balance cannot be described correctly with the help of this existing theory. The theory does not take into account part of precipitation spent on groundwater intake. As it is known the process of groundwater intake is called infiltration. The results of the water-balance equation are incorrect if one member of the equation, i.e., infiltration, is missing. In case there are monitoring hydrogeological observations, it is possible to calculate infiltration capacity. However, it is rather a problem to estimate infiltration capacity and water balance without monitoring observations. The problem arose due to the fact that the methodology of estimating infiltration capacity with lack of monitoring observations has not been developed within the period of 300 years. The water-balance equation is considered to be complete if it includes the value of infiltration capacity into groundwater. In the existing equation, which lacks infiltration capacity the balance is not maintained. As a result, instead of the water-balance equation, we have the equation of soil moistening. The analytical estimation of infiltration capacity into groundwater with the help of the complete water-balance equation has become possible due to the linear-correlation model of water balance which is developed by the author of this work. Such an approach makes it possible to use a complete water-balance equation and to estimate very accurately water-balance parameters. This article is important and topical because the approach is used in hydrogeological calculations and water management design for the first time. The question of a boundary catchment area of rivers when infiltration capacity and groundwater supply of rivers become equal is also of great importance.

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