
AbstractAccording to the hydrochemical characteristics, hydrogen and oxygen isotope characteristics and the ratio of noble gas isotopes of the sandstone aquifer and basalt aquifer, this study calculated the recharge temperature and residence time of groundwater in the Weishan area of Wudalianchi, also calculating the contribution of noble gas components from different sources to the samples. Based on the characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and noble gases Xe and Ne, the recharge altitude and recharge temperature of the two aquifers were estimated, and the recharge temperature fitting with the NGT model as verified, the results showing that the main recharge altitude of groundwater in the region was 500–600 m, the recharge temperature being 2–7°C. Heeq and Heea of the samples have been simulated using the OD model, the content of radioactive 4He in the crust being obtained, the groundwater ages under the two conditions (closed condition and open condition) both being simulated. The results show that groundwater from the sandstone layer water is older than groundwater from the basalt layer. Hydrochemical characteristics and noble gas isotope ratios indicate that in the basalt aquifer and sandstone aquifer in the Weishan area, in addition to atmospheric and crustal helium, there is also an input of mantle‐derived helium. The fault constitutes the uplift channel for groundwater containings mantle components, which results in the mantle source composition in water samples near the fault being much higher than those form non‐fault areas.

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