
To determine if there is a type of high grade dyskaryotic cervical smear that is likely to be missed on rapid rescreening. Fifty high grade dyskaryotic smears that had originally been incorrectly reported as negative (FN) were admixed with 100 true negative smears. Each smear in the set was rapidly reviewed at least 40 times. The FN smears that were picked out on > 50% of screenings were compared with those that were passed as unremarkable on > 50% of screenings for features of the dyskaryotic cell population. Significant differences between the two types of FN smear were present in five aspects of the dyskaryotic cell population. A FN smear is more likely to be missed on rapid rescreening than to be selected for review if it has few dyskaryotic cells; if the dyskaryotic cells are small, with pale nuclei; and if they are scattered singly rather than in groups or syncytia. A type of severely dyskaryotic smear is likely to evade rapid rescreening as well as routine screening. This suggests that even when rapid rescreening is used as a quality assurance measure, the "zero-error standard" is unlikely to be attained.

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