
湿地植物是人工湿地的核心部分,筛选优良的植物种类,将有利于充分发挥湿地植物的功能,提高人工湿地污水处理的能力.分析4种须根型植物香蒲(Typha orientalis)、美人蕉(Canna indica)、灯芯草(Juncus effusus)、纸莎草(Cyperus papyrus)和4种根茎型植物菖蒲(Acorus calamus)、再力花(Thalia dealbata)、芦竹(Arundo donax)、黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus)在厌氧、水培条件下的生长状况及根系泌氧特性;比较它们的根和茎叶生物量、相对生长速率(RGR)、根长、根孔隙度和泌氧量(率)等生理生态特性.结果表明,8种湿地植物在厌氧条件下生长状况良好;其中,须根型植物的生物量、RGR和泌氧能力均显著优于根茎型植物.在相同光照条件下,灯芯草的泌氧率最大,为192.62μmol O<sub>2</sub>/(d·g (DW<sub>root</sub>)),而黄菖蒲的根系泌氧率最小,仅为68.81μmol O<sub>2</sub>/(d·g(DW<sub>root</sub>)).各植物根系泌氧率大小为:灯芯草> 纸莎草> 香蒲> 美人蕉> 菖蒲> 再力花> 芦竹> 黄菖蒲.方差分析显示:植物根系泌氧率与根孔隙度呈极显著正相关,而植物泌氧量与RGR、各生物量呈极显著正相关,但与根茎比呈显著负相关.;Plant is the core component of constructed wetland. Selecting the superior varieties of wetland plants would make full use of their functions in constructed wetland, and then improve the efficiency of sewage water treatment. To investigate the growth characteristics and radial oxygen loss(ROL) from roots of wetland plants under extreme condition, 8 species of wetland plants which were cultured with synthetic water under anaerobic condition were collected for comparison. 8 wetland plants could divided into two groups, fibril-root plant(Typha orientalisl, Canna indica, Juncus effusus, Cyperus papyrus) and rhizomatic-root plant(Acorus calamus, Thalia dealbata, Arundo donax, Iris pseudacorus). The eco-physiological characteristics, such as biomass, relative growth rate(RGR) root length, root porosity, root ROL were compared. Results showed that 8 kinds of wetland plants all grown well under anaerobic conditions. Fibril-root plants had greater biomass, higher RGR and ROL than rhizomatic-root plant. Under the same illumination, Juncus effuses had the maximum ROL which reached 192.62μmol O<sub>2</sub>/(d·g (DW<sub>root</sub>)), while Iris pseudacorus had the minimum, which was only 68.81μmol O<sub>2</sub>/(d·g (DW<sub>root</sub>)). The ranking order of ROL of the 8 species wetland plants was: Juncus effuses> Cyperus papyrus> Typha orientalis> Canna indica> Acorus calamus> Thalia dealbata> Arundo donax> Iris pseudacorus. ANOVA analysis indicated that Rate of ROL was positively correlated with root porosity. The ROL was positively correlated with both of RGR and biomass,while negatively related to root/shoot ratio.

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