
Objectives: The study aimed to determine the relationship between creativity and personality traits (The ability to withstand ambiguity; independence in judgment and thinking; Flexibility in thinking; Originality of thinking; reflective thinking; The ability to exchange and openness to experience. Methodology: The study was conducted on students of high school (grades: V, VI) of sections of scientific and literary in the schools of outstanding city of Mosul. Study sample was selected at random, "and a volume of (120) students (50%) males and ( 50%) females. Results: The results showed that there is a strong correlation between the overall degree of creativity and all the scales sub-scale of personality traits. Results also showed a strong correlation between fluency ability of a creative mind and the ability to tolerate ambiguity, and reflective thinking and the ability to cash, and openness to experience. A weak correlation between fluency and the flexibility of thinking. And did not show a correlation between fluency and between independence in thinking and originality of thinking. Recommendation and Conclusions: Creative thinking is one of the significant mental faculties related to cognitive achievement, and there is no correlation between creative thinking and skilled performance, this study was conducted on the school of cities, future studies to examine the difference between urban and rural schools are necessary. Develop some kind of scientific tests that can measure the creativity of students in various disciplines.

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