
Ambon as the capital of Maluku Province had been occupied by 3,558 farmers whose farming works have contributed to the production of estate commodities for about 1,169 tons. There were three estate commodities with significant contribution, namely clove, nutmeg, and coconut. The objective of research was to analyze the characteristics of estate farmers and the contribution of estate commodities on household income. Sample was determined purposively from Nusaniwe District, precisely 30 farmers from Nusaniwe Subdistrict, 60 farmers from Latuhalat Subdistrict, 50 farmers from Amahusu Subdistrict, and 60 farmers from Urimessing Subdistrict. Total sample was 200 farmers. Data were collected using questionnaire and depth interview with key informant. Data on respondent characteristic were analyzed through simple tabulation. Income count was used to analyze the contribution of each estate commodity on household income. Result of research showed that education, number of household member, side-job selection, land width, and commodity species were not varying across subdistricts. Contribution of clove and nutmeg to household income was found as high for 70 – 80 %, while that of coconut reached only 10 – 20%. Side-job activity as fisher and construction worker gave contribution to household income for 5 – 10%.


  • Tanaman perkebunan merupakan tanaman utama yang dibudidayakan di Provinsi Maluku

  • Ambon as the capital of Maluku Province had been occupied by 3,558 farmers whose farming works have contributed to the production of estate commodities for about 1,169 tons

  • Data on respondent characteristic were analyzed through simple tabulation, and Admission count was used to analyze the contribution of each estate commodity on household adminission

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Tingkat Pendidikan

Pendidikan formal berperan dalam menunjang pengetahuan petani terhadap sesuatu yang baru. Demikian pula dengan petani dengan pendidikan memadai, lebih mudah menerima teknologi baru untuk diterapkan dalam kegiatan usahataninya. Sebagian besar kepala keluarga petani tidak melanjutkan pendidikan ke Perguruan Tinggi, karena keterbatasan biaya dan lebih memilih bekerja sebagai petani untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Sedangkan bagi mereka yang hanya sampai pendidikan dasar (SD), umumnya karena lebih memilih bekerja mencari uang untuk membantu kehidupan keluarga. Studi Dewi Nur Asih (2009) menjelaskan bahwa, dengan tingkat pendidikan yang tinggi memungkinkan petani lebih dinamis dan lebih mudah menerima inovasi baru. Demikian pula hasil penelitian Sukanata, dkk (2015) menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan sebagai karakteristik individu, memengaruhi motivasi petani dalam meningkatkan kinerja kelompok tani. Hasil penelitian Sri Narti (2015) juga menunjukkan pula bahwa, umumnya pendidikan berpengaruh terhadap cara dan pola berpikir petani, sebab pendidikan merupakan suatu proses pengembangan pengetahuan, keterampilan maupun sikap petani yang dilaksanakan secara terencana, sehingga memperoleh perubahan-perubahan dalam peningkatan hidup. Hasil penelitian Ginting, dkk (2018) juga membuktikan bahwa, tingkat pendidikan memengaruhi konservasi usahatani

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