
A liquid fuel (kerosene) jet was ejected across high-temperature and a high-speed airstream to elucidate the disintegrating process of the spray. All tests were performed at an airstream velocity of 30-80m/s and a temperature of 300-900K. Spray shapes were obtained by taking scattered-light photographs with a long exposure time. Short exposure photographs were used to obtain detail of the spray near the injector. Although the effect of parameter, the momentum flux ratio of ejecting liquid to airstream, on the heigh of the spray outer line could be explained for the room temperature airstream, it could not be explained for the high-temperature as follows. Height of the spray outer line increases with the temperature of the airstream under the condition of the same momentum flux ratio and decreases with airstream velocity under the condition of the same momentum flux ratio. Height of the outer line hardly changed when the airstream temperature increased from 500K to 900K under the condition of the same ratio of the mass flow rate of airstream to ejected fuel.

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