
Introduction. In the current conditions, the role of the open ground vegetable market in the food supply of the population has increased significantly due to the need to preserve and rationally use the growing domestic production of vegetables, increase the profitability of producers and fully meet consumer needs for quality and safe vegetable products. However, today the open vegetable industry is stagnant and needs to develop effective organizational and economic measures for recovery and further development. Methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a scientific method of cognition and systematic, comprehensive, differentiated approaches to the study of economic processes of open field vegetable production, basic research of domestic and foreign scientists on market and state regulation of the market, its infrastructure, development of open field vegetable production and improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of the market of vegetable products of the open ground. Modern methods of general scientific and economic knowledge of social and economic phenomena and processes are used during the study: historical and monographic, dialectical, abstract and logical, graphic, etc. Results. It is proved that in essence the organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of the open ground vegetable market is a system of organizational and economic relations, which includes a self-regulating system of functioning and interaction of agricultural producers of different organizational and legal forms with other market agents, economic relations between which are based on the equivalence of exchange with a rational level of state intervention in market processes. The basic tasks of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of the open ground vegetable market are the formation of the necessary prerequisites and conditions for achieving organizational unity of economic entities (agricultural producers, processing, service and trade), increasing the efficiency and sustainable development of the vegetable subcomplex, improving economic relations to ensure the interests of economic agents, both the subjects of the vegetable market and the needs of society. Discussion. Adherence to the selected principles of functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of the market of vegetable products of the open ground, will promote further increase of efficiency of its components in achievement of the strategic purposes of development of market participants. Effective functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of the open ground vegetable market should maximize the potential and internal reserves, ensure the interaction of the industry with other areas, industries and components of agro-industrial production as a more complex system that is part of the external macroenvironment. Keywords: organizational and economic mechanism, instruments of regulation, market, open ground vegetables, state agrarian policy.

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