
1) Body surface mapping was performed in 15 patients with ischemic heart disease and 5 control subjects before and after isoproterenol infusion. In ischemic heart disease, ST map developed negative areas in the left anterior chest wall extending from mid line to left axillar line after isoproterenol. This distribution on ST depression was different from that of left ventricular hypertrophy or complete left bundle branch block which spared mid anterior chest. The point of maximal ST depression corresponded to one of the conventional chest lead in 6 of 15 cases. In other 9 cases, the point of maximal ST depression was mostly located superiorly to V3-V5. epsilon ST depression correlated well with the maximal ST depression (r = 0.90) but not very well with ST depression at V5 (r = 0.70). On 201 T1 stress scan, a reversible large perfusion defect was detected in 2 out of 5 patients with marked ST depression. These findings suggested that isoproterenol induced ST map changes are useful in diagnosis of myocardial ischemia. 2) Body surface map was obtained in 16 cases with chronic pulmonary disease. The location of the maximum R and initial R was relatively inferior to that of normal controls. Relatively deep S waves were frequently observed. Pulmonary function tests correlated with the maximum R voltage but not with the deepest S. Cases with relatively high pulmonary conus voltage were proved to have right ventricular hypertrophy on 201 T1 myocardial scintigraphy or on echocardiography.

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