
This paper presents the neutronics characteristics of a prototype gas-cooled (supercritical CO2-cooled) fast reactor (GCFR) with minor actinide (MA) loading in the fuel. The GCFR core is designed with a thermal output of 600 MWt as a part of a direct supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) gas turbine cycle. Transmutation of MAs in the GCFR has been investigated for attaining low burnup reactivity swing and reducing long-life radioactive waste. Minor actinides are loaded uniformly in the fuel regions of the core. The burnup reactivity swing is minimized to 0.11% ∆k/kk’ over the cycle length of 10 years when the MA content is 6.0 wt%. The low burnup reactivity swing enables minimization of control rod operation during burnup. The MA transmutation rate is 42.2 kg/yr, which is equivalent to the production rates in 7 LWRs of the same electrical output.

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