
Although stay-at-home orders and physical distancing measures are vital to managing the COVID-19 outbreak, there is concern these limitations on in-person contact may increase feelings of loneliness. The present study examined loneliness in relation to living situation, psychiatric symptoms, and coping skills utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim was to identify demographic and psychological factors that may contribute to greater feelings of loneliness. A sample of 125 adults (18 years and older) completed measures on loneliness, psychiatric symptoms, and coping skills in September 2020. Multiple regression analysis indicated living situation moderates the relationship between hours spent having remote conversations and loneliness. Remote conversation hours were associated with decreased loneliness in those living alone but was not associated with loneliness in those living with others. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that substance use and self-blame were associated with increased loneliness whereas the use of emotional support to cope with pandemic-related stress was associated with decreased loneliness. The current study highlights the importance of finding alternative ways to remain socially connected, particularly for those living alone. Increasing access to videoconferencing technology and promoting help-seeking behaviors may be a promising approach to manage loneliness during times of increased social isolation.

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