
Abstract An urban fishery program was initiated in 1987 to enhance recreational fishing opportunities in 19 lakes in Lubbock, Texas. A telephone survey of 804 residences was conducted during June–December 1988 to measure people's awareness of the program and obtain information that could be used to further develop urban fishing opportunities. Less than half of the respondents were aware of the program, 53% did not fish, 26% fished in Lubbock's lakes one or more times in the past year (urban anglers), and 21% fished only outside Lubbock (rural anglers). Urban anglers fished more frequently than rural anglers. Urban and rural anglers preferred to catch larger fish rather than more fish, preferred cleaner water rather than a cleaner park, fished primarily for recreation rather than for food, and had similar preferences for types of fish to catch. Given a choice of better fish to catch or a better place to fish, more urban anglers preferred better fish to catch and more rural anglers preferred a better place ...

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