
When an amorphous solid is deformed homogeneously, it exhibits heterogeneous plastic instabilities with a localized cooperative rearrangement of a cluster of particles in response. The heterogeneous behavior plays an important role in deciding the mechanical properties of amorphous solids. In this paper, we employ computer simulations to study the characteristics and the spatial correlations of these clusters characterized by their non-affine displacements in amorphous solids under simple shear deformation in the athermal quasistatic limit. The clusters with large displacements are found to be homogeneously distributed in space in the elastic regime, followed by a localization within a system-spanning shear band after yielding. The distributions of the displacement field exhibit a power-law nature in the elastic regime with an exponential cutoff post yielding. The non-affine displacements show strong spatial correlations, which become long-ranged with increasing strain. From our results, it is evident that the decay of the correlation functions is exponential in nature in the elastic regime. The yielding transition is marked by an abrupt change in the decay after which it is well described by a power-law with an exponential cutoff. These results demonstrate a scale-free character of non-affine correlations in the steady flow regime. These results are found to be robust and independent of the strain window over which the total non-affine displacement is calculated.

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