
Astudy was conducted to characterize and classify the soils on quaternary parent materials (Sangiwa, Sokoto, and Illela coversand) of Sokoto-Rima river basin area of Sokoto state. Areas covered with the coversand were identified using geologic map of the Sokoto-Rima basin followed by ground truthing. Soils from different coversand were examined using auger in order to ascertain relationships between coversand and geologic formations. Six pedons, two each from the three different coversand were dug and described. Morphological properties of the soils revealed a dominant spectral colour hue of 7.5YR and 10YR with a weak to moderate fine-medium subangular block at the subsurface and subsoil and single grain structure at the surface. The soils are predominantly sandy in texture with sand weighted average values of > 90 % in Sokoto and Illela coversand and > 80 % in Sangiwa coversand. The soils were acidic with pH values ranging from 4.6 to 5.4. Organic matter, exchangeable bases, CEC and base saturation were generally low indicating low fertility status of the soils. The dominant mineral found in the soils is quartz with traces of kaolinite. The soils were classified as Ustic Quartzipsamment (Sokoto and Illela coversand) and Typic Ustipsamment (Sangiwa coversand) according to the USDA Soil Taxonomy System and correlate with Haplic and Dystric Arenosols in the World Reference Base (WRB) for soil resources system. The soils may not be suitable for irrigated agriculture due to their coarsed texture and thus suitable for rain –fed agriculture. Keywords: Coversand, Characterization, Classification, Quaternary, and Geologic formation


  • Sedimentary rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary ages are the major geological formation of the present Sokoto State

  • The rocks of the sedimentary deposits are rather complex being composed of deposits laid down in three main phases; continental Pre-Maastrichtian, and Tertiary along with intervening marine Maastrichtian to Paleocene phase and recent drift materials overlying surfaces (Jones, 1948; Sombroek and Zonneveld, 1971)

  • The deposit occurs over wide stretches in the area of the Tertiary Kalambaina- Dange deposit, and is scattered in the area of the Tertiary upper Gwandu deposits

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Those found at the northern part of the basin and occurring in the study area are, Sangiwa, Sokoto and Illela (Sombroek and Zonneveld, 1971). Sokoto and Illela coversands cover areas underlain by Gundumi, Kalambaina-Dange and Dukamaje formations respectively. Soil colour in soils of Sangiwa coversand (Pedon 1) is brown (7.5YR 5/4) in the surface grading to yellowish red (5YR 5/8) and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) in the subsurface and subsoil.

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