
The impact of architectural forms, building materials and structures to the structural-artistic solutions of historical monuments and the state of construction techniques in Azerbaijan in the Middle Ages (XI and XV centuries) are studied in the article. Azerbaijani architects preserved and developed building traditions of creating architectural monuments, existing from the ancient times by achieving magnificence and grandeur of various facilities. At the same time, a special attention was paid to the complicacy and decorative effect of architectural forms and sophistication of proportions. Building materials left a certain imprint on the creation and development of architectural forms. When creating monumental-architectural and religious monuments, constructions materials used for construction of these monuments affected greatly the architects to realize their creative ideas. The formation attributes and development features of architectural style are closely connected to the location sources of natural materials reserves. A special attention is focused on volume composition, the complexity and decorative value of architectural forms in XIII-XIV centuries. The architects improved the artistic-architectural, designing and structural solutions of the buildings meeting the requirements of that period for the aesthetic and architectural-structural assignments exercising the features of construction profession and materials used. We maybe sure studying the historical-architectural monuments of Azerbaijan built in different regions and historical periods.

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