
Nineteen odour-active compounds previously identified with high Flavour Dilution factors in an extract from the peel oil of Pontianak oranges (Citrusnobilis Lour. var. microcarpa Hassk.) were quantified using stable isotope dilution assays (SIDA). For this purpose, four new SIDA were developed, i.e. for the quantification of (E)-2-dodecenal, geraniol, nerol, and 1-phenylethanethiol. The results showed that (R)-limonene, myrcene, and (R)-α-pinene were the predominant compounds present in concentrations between 0.4 and 60 mg/g peel. An aroma recombinate containing the nineteen aroma compounds in the concentrations naturally occurring in the peel oil elicited the overall aroma of the peel oil itself, thus confirming the identification experiments. Furthermore, omission experiments showed that the unique odour quality of the peel is significantly influenced by the resinous, sulphurous-smelling 1-phenylethanethiol, although its concentration was only 38 ng/g peel.

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