
Fens store significant amounts of organic matter and thus are of high importance from the perspective of the organic carbon biogeochemical cycle. Fen peat comprises moderately to highly decomposed higher plant remains with relatively high mineral matter content. Humic acids form the major part of fen peat organic matter; they are also the most refractory and recalcitrant natural substances to degradation, and thus they contain essential information regarding mire and peat development over large periods of time as well as the organic carbon biogeochemical cycle. Moreover, humic substances in fen peat are a prospective resource for applications in agriculture and other sectors. The aim of this study was to comparatively study properties of humic acids isolated from fen peat of varied botanical compositions and origins and to compare the impact of the precursor biological material on properties of the humification process and the resulting humic acids. The formation of humic acids of varied origins shows similarities; however, at the same time, differences can be found in the further development of humic acids, depending on the environment in which they are present.

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