
Mandalay is an important Saccharum spontaneum clone used historically in Australian sugarcane breeding programs, and has given rise to many valuable cultivars. In order to better understand the genetic contribution of Mandalay to Australian varieties and elite parental material, a combined pedigree and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approach was undertaken. A genetic map containing 400 single-dose markers was constructed for the Australian sugarcane clone MQ77340, one parent of an Australian sugarcane population (Q117 × MQ77340), using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. This cultivar was selected because it is a direct descendent of Mandalay; its grandparents are Korpi, a S. officinarum clone, and Mandalay. The 400 markers were scattered onto 101 linkage groups (LGs) with an estimated map length of 3582 cM. The ancestral origin of all of the markers was determined with approximately 25% of the markers shown to originate from Mandalay, and a similar percentage from Korpi. Of the 101 LGs, 65 contained markers originating from Mandalay and/or Korpi. QTL analysis was undertaken using the map and 3 years of field data for three sugar-related traits (pol, brix, and CCS) and using single year field data for fibre, stalk weight and cane and sugar yield. Markers from both Mandalay and Korpi were found to be associated with both positive and negative effects on all of the traits analysed.

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