
Discrete element method (DEM) is a numerical technique that models the material as a combination of discrete particles which interact with each other through the contacts springs. While modelling soil in finite element method (FEM), approximations are made which considers soil as a continuous material. Hence certain properties such as void ratio which are intrinsic properties of the soil cannot be directly modelled or monitored. FEM also requires the failure criteria to be defined to predict the post elastic behaviour of the soil. DEM overcomes such drawbacks and the particle contacts are the only parameters that has to be defined. In the present work the contact parameters for sand grains are estimated for the purpose of being modelled in DEM, using direct measurement approach. The parameters required for defining the contact springs between the particles are the young's modulus, coefficient of restitution, friction coefficient, Poisson's ratio and density. The estimated parameters from the experiments were used to model the soil behaviour in an oedometer test. The obtained results from the DEM modelling are compared with the experimental results to benchmark the parameters estimated for the sand grains.


  • SSooiill bbeeiinngg aann aasssseemmbbllyy ooff ddiissccrreettee ppaarrttiicclleess iitt iiss mmoorree aapppprroopprriiaattee ttoo mmooddeell tthhee ssooiill bbyy DDEEMM tthhaann bbyy FFEEMM

  • Though the properties are measured by a direct measurement approach, their ability to predict the macroscopic properties is studied by benchmarking the Discrete Element Method (DEM) model created by using the measured properties with respect to the experimental results obtained from physical testing

  • The present study represents an attempt to characterise the Filter Sand grade 5.5 by direct measurement approach to be used in the DEM modelling

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11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn

TThhee ddiissccrreettee eelleemmeenntt mmeetthhoodd ((DDEEMM)) iiss aa nnuummeerriiccaall aapppprrooaacchh wwhhiicchh mmooddeellss tthhee mmaatteerriiaall aass aann eennsseemmbbllee ooff ddiissccrreettee ppaarrttiicclleess wwhhiicchh iinntteerraacctt wwiitthh eeaacchh ootthheerr iinn eevveerryy ttiimmeesstteepp [[11]]. SSooiill bbeeiinngg aann aasssseemmbbllyy ooff ddiissccrreettee ppaarrttiicclleess iitt iiss mmoorree aapppprroopprriiaattee ttoo mmooddeell tthhee ssooiill bbyy DDEEMM tthhaann bbyy FFEEMM. TThhee ppaarrttiicclleess iinn tthhee DDEEMM iinntteerraacctt wwiitthh eeaacchh ootthheerr wwiitthh tthhee hheellpp ooff nnoorrmmaall aanndd ttaannggeennttiiaall sspprriinnggss TThhee ccoonnttaacctt ppaarraammeetteerrss ccaann bbee ccaalliibbrraatteedd bbyy ttwwoo aapppprrooaacchh nnaammeellyy bbuullkk ccaalliibbrraattiioonn aapppprrooaacchhaanndd tthhee ddiirreeccttmmeeaassuurreemmeennttaapppprrooaacchh [[22]]..IInntthhee bbuullkk ccaalliibbrraattiioonn aapppprrooaacchh tthhee ppaarrttiiccllee ccoonnttaacctt ppaarraammeetteerrss aarree aaddjjuusstteedd iinn ttrriiaall aanndd eerrrroorr mmeetthhoodd ttoo mmiimmiicc tthhee mmaaccrroossccooppiicc bbeehhaavviioouurr ooff tthhee ssooiill [[33]]. TThhee HHeerrttzziiaann pprreessssuurree rreellaattiioonnsshhiipp bbeettwweeeenn ttwwoo sspphheerreess ooff rraaddiiuuss RRii,, eellaassttiicc mmoodduulluuss EEii,, aanndd PPooiissssoonn’’ss rraattiioonn ννii iiss ggiivveenn bbyy:: PPPP((rrr)) == PPPP00((11−−((ararara))22))11//22

22 HHeerrttzz CCoonnttaacctt mmooddeell
Nano indentation test
Characterization of the contact parameters for filter sand grade 6
Direct shear test
Drop test
One dimensional compression test on sand specimen
Discrete element model
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