
An electrodeless microwave-excited discharge in argon has been used to examine the population densities of some seventeen Ar I and six Ar II atomic levels at pressures between 6.0 and 0.02 mbar. Electron density measurements in the range 1017 to 1018 m-3 were made from the microwave impedance and these were compared with the ion density measurements from double floating probes. The results show the importance of ion loss to the tube walls and the necessity of allowing for ionic diffusion when using the probe method. The atomic system is shown to be in the (quasi-) saturated phase and the population coefficient rm(1) is determined for seven Ar I atomic levels from 6s to 9s. The influence of microwave power upon the plasma quantities, electron density, ion density and electron temperature, and the atomic level populations has been demonstrated. It is found that the input power and pressure are dependent variables.

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