
Characterisation of (100) GaSb Passivated Surface Using Next Generation 3D Digital Microscopy E. Papis-Polakowskaa,∗, E. Leonhardt and J. Kaniewski Institute of Electron Technology, al. Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland HIROX EUROPE, Jyfel, 9 rue des Gantries, F-69130 Ecully, France (100) GaSb surface was modi ed by self-assembled super cial layer of organic molecules by wet chemical process. Hexadecanethiol (HDT) was the choice as modi er. The treated GaSb surface, whose quality a ects the morphology of the resulting modi ed GaSb, was investigated by 3D digital microscopy. The structural study were carried out quickly, non-destructively and comprehensively with using the next generation 3D HIROX KH-8700 Digital Microscope.

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