
Character education of students is a coveted goal by all caretakers of Islamic boarding schools because with character education students are expected to have good personality and character which are then implemented in daily life both through the perspective of the students' speech, attitudes and behavior. This study aims to describe and analyze the character education of five soul-based students in the Shofa Marwa Islamic Boarding School Jember, both want to analyze the constraints in character education based on the five souls of the students and the strategy of the Shofa Marwa boarding school in character education based on the values ​​of the five souls. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach by observing the life history of FGD and documentary interviewees.The results of the study showed that character education in the boarding school of Shofa Marwa was internalized through the vision of the mission carried out through the study of the Yellow Book, which was inserted in the Jalalain Tafsir, Hadith Arbain, Hadith riyadushholihin, Tawhid, akhlaq and nashoihul ibad, ta'limmuta'allim and others, In addition, the formation of the character of the santri is also carried out through the Pancajiwa of the santri, namely the soul of sincerity, the soul of simplicity, the soul of independence, the soul of ukhuwwah and the free spirit of responsibility. The values ​​of the five souls of students are instilled not only through lectures and recitation, but the five souls are directly applied to students in their daily lives. The obstacles in placing Pancajiwa-based character education in santri are, firstly santri background, santri background that is different from economic, socio-cultural background and religious understanding background, the results of the study show that the kyai bu Nyai has a special strategy in character-based santri character education the soul of santri namely by battemup and top down approach, santri are always involved in making policies of santri rules and implementing policies to what must be done to santri who do not obey the rules.

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