
Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution of religious education, usually non-classical, where the kyai teaches students Islamic religious knowledge based on classical books. Islamic Boarding School is one of the important institutions that is trusted by the community as a place of development that is different from schools in general. Islamic boarding schools are expected to produce generations with good personalities. Education in Islamic boarding schools will be perfect if you get an education with good character and noble character. Related to the character education strategy in building the character of students at Miftahul Khaer Islamic Boarding School, it is an alternative for the community and clerics to overcome future problems. The purpose of this study was to find out how the strategy of the Islamic boarding school in shaping the character of the Miftahul Khaer Islamic Boarding School Santri. This type of research is field research or qualitative descriptive and uses a qualitative approach. The informants in this research are the leaders of Islamic boarding schools, Islamic boarding schools administrators, and students at Miftahul Khaer Islamic Boarding Schools. Based on the results of research in the field, it is known this Islamic boarding school uses several strategies to shape the character of its students, namely: moral knowledge strategy, moral modeling strategy, moral feeling, and loving strategy, moral behavior strategy, punishment strategy, habituation strategy.

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