
The category of character D-modules is realized as Drinfeld center of the abelian monoidal category of Harish-Chandra bimodules. Tensor product of Harish-Chandra bimodules is related to convolution of D-modules via the long intertwining functor (Radon transform) by a result of Beilinson and Ginzburg (Represent. Theory 3, 1–31, 1999). Exactness property of the long intertwining functor on a cell subquotient of the Harish-Chandra bimodules category shows that the truncated convolution category of Lusztig (Adv. Math. 129, 85–98, 1997) can be realized as a subquotient of the category of Harish-Chandra bimodules. Together with the description of the truncated convolution category (Bezrukavnikov et al. in Isr. J. Math. 170, 207–234, 2009) this allows us to derive (under a mild technical assumption) a classification of irreducible character sheaves over ℂ obtained by Lusztig by a different method.

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